Friday, November 02, 2007

021107 阴晴不定

感谢 神!自小的渴望等待三十三年后,终於在今年上帝慈爱的带领下圆了这梦,这等候确是漫长啊…


上帝的慈爱和恩典是无可测度的,他是守约的 神!因他透过申命记4:29-31对我这侥辛的孩子说:「 但你们在那里必寻求耶和华-你的 神。你尽心尽性寻求他的时候,就必寻见。日后你遭遇一切患难的时候,你必归回耶和华-你的 神,听从他的话。耶和华-你的 神原是有怜悯的 神;他总不撇下你,不灭绝你,也不忘记他起誓与你列祖所立的约。


Thursday, November 01, 2007

021107 阴晴不定

身为基督徒的我们,常会迷迷糊糊的过日子,以为偶尔所做的举动不会“影响”自己或别人就不甚在意,可是岂不知当我们无形中被一些恶者的圈套套着时,我们还懵然不知而违背了 神的祝福和教导成为悖逆之子。身边的人也被我们影响而软弱,而身为基督徒常不经意做的其中之一事,就是查星座和看生肖。 神在申命记Deuteronomy4:15-24很清楚的意表了他的旨意…

所以,你們要分外謹慎;因為耶和華在何烈山、從火中對你們說話的那日,你們沒有看見甚麼形像。惟恐你們敗壞自己,雕刻偶像,彷彿甚麼男像女像,或地上走獸的像,或空中飛鳥的像,或地上爬物的像,或地底下水中魚的像。又恐怕你向天舉目觀看,見耶和華-你的 神為天下萬民所擺列的日月星,就是天上的萬象,自己便被勾引敬拜事奉它。耶和華將你們從埃及領出來脫離鐵爐、要特作自己產業的子民,像今日一樣。耶和華又因你們的緣故向我發怒,起誓必不容我過約但河,也不容我進入耶和華你 神所賜你為業的那美地。我只得死在這地,不能過約但河;但你們必過去得那美地。你們要謹慎、免得忘記耶和華-你們 神與你們所立的約,為自己雕刻偶像,就是耶和華你 神所禁止你作的偶像,因為耶和華你的 神乃是烈火、是忌邪的 神。 And the Lord gave me orders at that time to make clear to you these laws and decisions, so that you might do them in the land to which you are going, and which is to be your heritage. So keep watch on yourselves with care; for you saw no form of any sort on the day when the voice of the Lord came to you in Horeb out of the heart of the fire: So that you may not be turned to evil ways and make for yourselves an image in the form of any living thing, male or female, Or any beast of the earth, or winged bird of the air, Or of anything which goes flat on the earth, or any fish in the water under the earth. And when your eyes are lifted up to heaven, and you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the army of heaven, do not let yourselves be moved to give them worship, or become the servants of what the Lord has given equally to all peoples under heaven. But the Lord has taken you out of the flaming fire, out of Egypt, to be to him the people of his heritage, as you are today. And the Lord was angry with me because of you, and made an oath that I was not to go over Jordan into the good land which the Lord is giving you for your heritage: But death is to come to me in this land, I may not go over Jordan: but you will go over and take that good land for your heritage. Take care that you do not let the agreement of the Lord your God, which he has made with you, go out of your mind, or make for yourselves images of any sort, against the orders which the Lord your God has given you.

011107 阴晴不定

从今年五月开始我常操练为着自己的财富和所负债物迫切祷告, 神也常透过他的话语向我显明心意,而最近(25.10.2007星期四) 上帝又仁慈的向我表明依靠他致富的基本原则,就是记载在申命記Deuteronomy14:22-29 ,也教导我如何管理剩余的十分之九。

你要把你撒種所產的、就是你田地每年所出的、十分取一分。又要把你的五穀、 新酒、和油的十分之一、並牛群羊群中頭生的、喫在耶和華你 神面前、就是他所選擇要立為他名的居所.這樣、你可以學習時常敬畏耶和華你的 神。 Put on one side a tenth of all the increase of your seed, produced year by year. And make a feast before the Lord your God, in the place which is to be marked out, where his name will be for ever, of the tenth part of your grain and your wine and your oil, and the first births of your herds and your flocks; so that you may have the fear of the Lord your God in your hearts at all times.


當耶和華你 神賜福與你的時候,耶和華你 神所選擇要立為他名的地方若離你太遠,那路也太長,使你不能把這物帶到那裡去,你就可以換成銀子、將銀子包起來,拿在手中,往耶和華你 神所要選擇的地方去。你用這銀子,隨心所欲,或買牛羊,或買清酒濃酒,凡你心所想的都可以買;你和你的家屬在耶和華你 神的面前、喫喝快樂。 And if the way is so long that you are not able to take these things to the place marked out by the Lord your God for his name, when he has given you his blessing, because it is far away from you;Then let these things be exchanged for money, and, taking the money in your hand, go to the place marked out by the Lord your God for himself;And with the money get whatever you have a desire for, oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your soul's desire may be: and make a feast there before the Lord your God, and be glad, you and all your house;

上帝喜悦我们常存感恩的心…除了十分之一外我们也当献上感谢的祭,所以可在每逢节庆或感恩时做奉献。除了金钱的奉献,我们也当有行为的奉献,就是从现有的环境去往别处和人传福音、短宣或宣教等。 因日光之下所赚取的金钱,倘若离世时就什么也不是了、也无法随身携带…

住在你城裡的利未人、你不可丟棄他、因為他在你們中間無分無業。每逢三年的末一年、你要將本年的土產十分之一、都取出來、積存在你的城中。在你城裡無分無業的利未人、和你城裡寄居的、並孤兒寡婦、都可以來、喫得飽足.And give a thought to the Levite who is living among you, for he has no part or heritage in the land. At the end of every three years take a tenth part of all your increase for that year, and put it in store inside your walls: And the Levite, because he has no part or heritage in the land, and the man from a strange country, and the child who has no father, and the widow, who are living among you, will come and take food and have enough;


這樣、耶和華你的 神必在你手裡所辦的一切事上、賜福與你。 and so the blessing of the Lord your God will be on you in everything you do.

愿常存敬畏 神的心,同得天上的财富…共勉之!

011107 阴晴不定


Tuesday, April 24, 2007


将荣耀归 神!哈利路亚!


信主13年(8月16日1994年) 来经历了属灵成长过程的风风雨雨,有时感恩、有时埋怨;有时喜乐、有时哀伤,暮然回首原来一路走来我并不孤单,因耶稣真的抱着我在生命的旅程中,留下了一对脚印。


第二年又再父亲反对声、差点酿成家变中坚持信主成为基督徒;接着往后的日子里,我就常在父亲反对又反对…甚至不知原因的反对中,累积了许多情绪上的伤害,但依靠着 神的爱,我却昂然走了14年独自生活的路。偶而会有这样的想法,倘若我“顺服”父亲的决定,简简单单在家乡生活,或许会…那么我就没机会认识耶稣,我也不会在KL,我实在很难想像我最终的人生会如何??!
